E-Mail Support

E-Mail Support

Email Support, 5 different women emailing

Email Support - support@devonrapecrisis.org.uk 

The email address support@devonrapecrisis.org.uk is a dedicated support address that we only use for this purpose. Our email support is confidential.

Your email will be answered within 7 days by one of our specially trained female volunteers. Your email will not be answered by the same woman each time.

The email service is here to help you explore your thoughts, feelings and what options you might have. We can give you information about those options, but we will never tell you what you should do. We will support you to decide for yourself, what is right for you as an individual.

Who Can E-Mail?

Anyone living in Devon aged 13 and over who has experienced any sexual violence or abuse, recently or in the past - no matter how long ago it happened.

Partners, family and friends of people who have been raped or sexually abused or assaulted can also email.


Generally, we will not know anything identifying about you from emails you send to us, aside from your email address. If you choose to give us information that identifies you and we are made aware by you of a risk to a child or adult (including yourself) then we have a clear responsibility to take appropriate safeguarding action., we will always keep you informed of any such action.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner to ensure we store and use information responsibly.


Telephone Helpline 01392 204174

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6-9pm