Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services

Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services Logo


We offer confidential, professional support to survivors of rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse across Devon and Torbay (but not Plymouth).

It doesn't matter if the abuse took place yesterday or twenty years ago, we are here to help. We are excellent listeners and we will always believe you.


We provide specialist support online, in person or by phone. Alongside this we can also give unbiased information on what your options and rights are and can help you make an informed decision about your next steps.

We really understand how difficult it can be to seek support - but getting in touch is the first step to coping with and recovering from what has happened to you.

Need to talk now?

If you need to talk to someone or need some support you can call The Rape and Sexual Abuse 24/7 Support Line on 0808 500 2222.

This offers confidential emotional support, information and referral details. There is also a live chat available: 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line

Useful Resources

DRCSAS Self Help Guide CoverDRCSAS Easy Read Self Help Guide Cover


We believe nobody should have to cope with rape or sexual abuse alone.

Our support is for all survivors of rape, sexual violence and/or sexual abuse aged 13 and over.

What our service users say?

Service User

I didn't even realise how much stronger I was actually capable of being and how insecure I had felt, how much blame and criticism I was putting on myself.

Service User

When I'm at home, I can't express how I feel but here I can say what I mean and I know it's safe to say it.

Service User

I don't really like to think about how I'd be stuck in the same place now if I hadn't realised and found this service. It has helped so much.