

How to make a Referral

You can refer yourself to our services via the online referral form below, or by calling us.

We cannot accept referrals by email. Please do not send confidential or sensitive information by email.

Please note, our waiting list for EMDR is currently closed. This means we are not taking any new referrals for EMDR at the current time, because we are at our maximum capacity. We apologise for this, and will review the status of our waiting list regularly

Self-Referral -  Online

To complete a self-referral we require your personal details, contact details, a brief overview of the incident and when the incident took place, your relationship to the perpetrator and if there is still contact with the perpetrator, any safety/safeguarding concerns and details of any support you’re receiving from other services. We will never ask you to go into detail about what happened to you.

Online Self-Referral


Third Party/Professional Referral

We are unable to accept third party referrals online.

To make a referral on behalf of someone else, or to proceed with a professional referral, you will need to call us on 01392 208756.

We can only accept a referral if you (the person making the referral) has gained explicit consent from the person you are referring.

we will require details of the agency and referrer, service user details, a brief overview of the incident and when the incident took place, the service user's relationship to the perpetrator and if there is still contact with the perpetrator, any safety/safeguarding concerns and details of any support they’re receiving from other services.


If I refer by phone, what can I expect?

At the very start of the referral call, and before any details are recorded on our referral form, our confidentiality policy will be explained to you, alongside our safeguarding responsibilities.

After that, we will gather some basic information, such as name, date of birth and contact details.

We will also ask you a few monitoring questions, such as your ethnicity and how you would describe your sexuality. This information helps us to demonstrate that our organisation is available to all members of our community.

We will ask you to briefly state why you are seeking support from our service. We do understand how distressing it can be to provide this information. For that reason, a few sentences about what has happened will provide us with enough information at this point. All information shared with us is treated with sensitivity and respect.

How we store your information

What happens next?

We will arrange a time to meet with you for an initial conversation. This initial session is an opportunity for you to find out more about our service and the sort of support we can offer. We will begin a support plan with you during this appointment and discuss which of our services you might want to access.

Waiting List

Like most services we do have a waiting list, we update our waiting times regularly and you can read more about that here

We try to support you while you are on our waiting list. You have the option of receiving a call from us approximately every 8 weeks. These calls are a safe space to discuss what is going on for you whilst you’re waiting for regular direct support.

These calls are completely optional and you can choose to start or stop receiving them at any time while you’re on the waiting list.

There are also support options that you can opt to access whist you are waiting for direct support from us, we will discuss all these options with you in your initial meeting.

When we might be unable to accept a referral

Please refer to Who Do We Support?