Is This Service Right For You?

Is This Service Right For You?


Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services are fully inclusive and user led, meaning we never judge and we work at a pace you are comfortable with.


We know some people do not like to use certain words and this is fine. You will never be asked to use language you are not comfortable with or talk about anything you do not feel comfortable talking about.

We know that it can feel particularly difficult to come forward if you are from a minority ethnic background and we want you to know that we are culturally sensitive and anti-racist.

We believe nobody should have to cope with rape or sexual abuse alone.

If you are disabled, we want you to know that we are thoughtful and flexible about how we work so we can better meet your individual needs.

And we appreciate that if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or LGBTQ+ you may be hesitant about whether you can use our service and we want to reassure you that you can.

Regardless of the employment or job you are in (for example if you are a sex worker) – rape and sexual assault is never an occupational hazard and you will receive non-judgmental support from us.

“This service has helped in many ways, building strength to walk through the door. Picking up the phone was huge and being welcomed into a caring, safe environment was the start of my next chapter.”