Who Do We Support?

Who Do We Support?

Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services specialist support is available to people living in Devon and Torbay aged 13 upwards, irrespective of gender identity or sex, who have experienced historic or recent: Rape Sexual Assault Childhood Sexual Abuse Sexual Exploitation Female Genital Mutilation Ritual Abuse Forced Marriage 'Honour' Crimes Sexual Intimidation Sexual Harassment Or ANY form of sexual violence

What We Do

Our support is available for survivors of rape and/or sexual abuse aged 13 and over living in Devon and Torbay (but not Plymouth). It doesn’t matter if the abuse took place yesterday or sixty years ago, we are here to help.

We offer support via through direct Specialist Support, Advocacy or Therapeutic Support. These are delivered individually or as a group, at a pace that you are comfortable with. Direct support sessions are offered online, by phone, or in person at one of our bases - you can choose which works best for you.

We are a specialist sexual violence agency. Whilst we always try and be flexible, there are some circumstances where we may help you to connect with other organisations, to ensure you get the right support.

The work we do requires you to be in a safe place and ready to engage in recovery from sexual violence. We provide therapeutic support and not safety planning or risk management, so we work closely with other specialist organisations that are best placed to provide support and safety in these situations.

We do not offer therapeutic support sessions to people already in receipt of therapeutic services with another organisation.

Why We May Not Be Able To Offer Support

We are a specialist sexual violence agency and are survivor led. We are unable to support someone currently being investigated for, or who has been convicted of, any sexual violence or assault.