Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services

We offer confidential, professional support to survivors of rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse in Devon.

It doesn't matter if the abuse took place yesterday or twenty years ago, we are here to help. We are excellent listeners and we will always believe you.


We provide specialist support online, in person or by phone. Alongside this we can also give unbiased information on what your options and rights are and can help you make an informed decision about your next steps.

We really understand how difficult it can be to seek support - but getting in touch is the first step to coping with and recovering from what has happened to you.

Our confidential and anonymous helpline and email support services are available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6pm to 9pm.

Call us on 01392 204174 or email

If you call us outside of these times you can leave a message, your name and a safe contact number and we will call you back in the next helpline session.

When our helpline is closed you can also call the National Rape Crisis 24/7 Support Line on 0808 500 2222. This offers confidential emotional support, information and referral details.

Referrals Update

Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services have taken the incredibly difficult decision to implement a temporary pause on taking new referrals for three months. This is as a result of the charity continuing to see increased demand for support over and above our capacity. We will continue to support the hundreds of people we are currently supporting and those already on our waiting list during this time. Whilst this pause is in place we will continue to work hard to implement our new service transformation plan which we hope will broaden our support offer and assist with demand going forward. We want to remind everyone that our helpline remains open and can be accessed on 01392 204174 between 1800 and 2100 on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our email service continues to run as normal which can be accessed via We will be keeping our website and social media channels updated and will provide more information when these waiting lists will open again for new referrals.

We believe nobody should have to cope with rape or sexual abuse alone.

Our support is for all survivors of rape, sexual violence and/or sexual abuse aged 13 and over. We also offer support to the families, friends and partners of those affected by sexual violence.

What our service users say?

Service User

Everything about the service has been amazing. Thank you so much, you really helped me. Best counselling support I have ever got for any issue.

Service User

Huge impact of nightmares almost completely going. I can cope with them now. I feel I have a future.

Service User

Taught me how trauma and PTSD works.

Need To Talk?

For support on the phone, or to arrange direct support, you can call our helpline on 01392 204 174, Mon, Wed & Fri or e-mail